The Garvey Elevator site (Site) is located southwest of the City of Hastings in Adams County, Nebraska. The contamination associated wtih the Site consists of volatile organic compound (VOC)- contaminated soils and groundwater beneath the facility and an associated groundwater contaminant plume approximately three miles long that extends from the facility in an east-southeasterly direction. Garvey Elevators, Inc. operated this 8-million bushel capacity grain elevator facility on the 22-acre parcel from 1959 until April 1998. Garvey Elevators, Inc. utilized a liquid VOC mixture of carbon tetrachloride and carbon disulfide (referred to as 80-20 fumigant) as a grain fumigant for pest control from 1959 to 1985. The 80-20 fumigant was stored in a 3,000-gallon above ground storage tank (AST) near the silos. The 80-20 fumigant was released to the environment through leaks in the underground piping from the AST to the grain elevator, as well as through the improper application of the fumigant. The Site is is located in a predominately rural area with sparse distribution of residential properties north, east and west of the site, the closest no less than 1/4 mile away. One municipal well and more than 35 private drinking water wells have been impacted by the VOC contaminated groundwater. The former Garvey Elevators, Inc. facility continues to operate as a grain storage facility under new ownership and management. The Site has been divided into two Operable Units. Operable Unit 1 is the VOC-contaminated soil and groundwater that is generally beneath the Garvey Facility. Operable Unit 2 is the plume of VOC-contaminated groundwater downgradient of OU 1.
102 |
People living within a 1 mile radius |
$59,244 |
Average Income |
44 |
Occupied homes |
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