The Mansfield Trail Dump site, which consists of several waste disposal trenches in a wooded area near the Mansfield Bike Path, is located in Byram Township, Sussex County, New Jersey. The site is located near the intersection of the Mansfield Bike Path and Stanhope-Sparta Road. There are five waste disposal areas that have been designated as Dump Areas A, B, C, D, and E. Dump Area A lies directly upslope of residential properties along Brookwood Road. A public pedestrian/bike path is located down slope of Dump Area D. The waste disposal trenches at the Site were first identified in 2009 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) during an effort to identify the source of contamination detected in nearby domestic potable wells along Brookwood and Ross Roads. Sampling results indicated the presence of trichloroethylene (TCE) and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the trenches, and TCE in residential wells and indoor air. On October 21, 2010, the Mansfield Trail Dump site was proposed for inclusion on the National Priorities List (NPL) of sites with known or threatened releases of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants. The site was listed as final on the NPL on March 10, 2011. Site Responsibility: This site is being addressed through federal actions.
1,724 |
People living within a 1 mile radius |
$98,177 |
Average Income |
596 |
Occupied homes |
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