The Seneca Army Depot Activity (SEDA) site encompasses 10,587 acres. It lies between Cayuga and Seneca Lakes in the Finger Lakes region and abuts the Town of Romulus. Approximately 1,000 people obtain drinking water from private wells within a 3-mile radius of the depot. The Army has stored and disposed of military explosives at the facility since 1941. As a result of Base Closure, SEDA has downsized significantly from 1200 to 7 employees. Following recommendation by DoD, approval by the Base Closure Commission, the President and Congress, SEDA was approved for the 1995 Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) list in October 1995. SEDA formally closed and moved to a caretaker status on September 30, 2000. Current reuse plans project that most of the property will be transferred for conservation/recreational purposes; some parts of the base had been transferred to various prison and correctional authorities, as well as the Local Reuse Authority (LRA). Site Responsibility: This site is being addressed through a Federal Facility Agreement between the Army, EPA and the State of New York.
189 |
People living within a 1 mile radius |
$65,420 |
Average Income |
70 |
Occupied homes |
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