allied chemical & ironton coke

3330 S 3RD ST

The Allied Chemical & Ironton Coke site is located in the city of Ironton, Lawrence County, Ohio. It encompasses approximately 95 acres, including the former Coke Plant and five former lagoons (Coke Plant/Lagoon Area [CPLA]), the former Tar Plant, portions of the adjacent Ice Creek, and the Goldcamp Disposal Area (GDA). The GDA is a former sand and gravel pit used for disposal of tar plant waste and foundry sand. The Ohio River lies approximately 500 feet west of the former Tar Plant and GDA. Both the former Tar Plant property and the GDA lie on a relatively flat alluvial terrace above the 100-year flood level of the Ohio River. Portions of the CPLA lie within the 100-year flood plain. Much of the site area is covered by fill, which overlies the native soils. The site is located in the southeastern section of Ironton and is surrounded by other industries, businesses, private residences, and waterways. The residential areas are northwest and along the southern edge of the site. In addition to private homes, there is one elementary school, baseball diamonds along the northern boundary of the site, and seven other schools within 2 miles of the Site. A cemetery lies northeast of the site. Directly adjacent to the site, bordering the east and south, is Ice Creek, a tributary of the Ohio River. South of Ice Creek is the Village of Coal Grove. A resident's junk yard also lies along 450 feet of the site's southern boundary. The lagoon area section of the CPLA was originally constructed in the 1970s to serve as a place for Allied to discharge and treat liquid wastes (previously the liquid wastes were discharged directly onto swampy lands that discharged directly into Ice Creek). This area was converted into a wetlands system, taking advantage of its natural flooding conditions and predisposition to wetlands-type vegetation. The Coke Plant began operations in 1917. In 1977, the site and its operating facilities were sold and operated as the Ironton Coke Corporation. In 1980, the site owners filed for bankruptcy; consequently, the Coke Plant was shut down in 1982. Following closure of the plant, the property and facilities were purchased by Iron City Fuels, Inc. In March 1984, Allied purchased the Coke Plant property, with the exception of the surface facilities which were retained by Iron City Fuels. Iron City Fuels continued to salvage material from these surface facilities until March 1985, at which time ownership of these facilities were transferred to Allied (later to become known as AlliedSignal). Today, the property is owned by Honeywell, as a result of a 1999 merger between AlliedSignal and Honeywell.

Hazardous Ranking Score

47 / 100

A score of 28.5 or higher qualifies a site for the Superfund National Priority List.

Regional Contact

Region 5
Phone: (312) 353-2000

Contact Region



Site Inspection
Preliminary Assessment
Final Listing On NPL

Contaminants & Health Effects

      Endocrine Disrupter
      Reproductive Toxin
      Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic


        African American
        American Indian and Alaska Native
        Native Hawaiian


        People living
        within a 1 mile radius


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