The Old Wilmington Road Groundwater Contamination site is an area where groundwater is contaminated with various volatile organic compounds (VOCs) located in the vicinity of Old Wilmington Road in West Caln Township, Pennsylvania. The groundwater contamination was discovered during an EPA Site Inspection (SI) completed for the Perry Phillips Landfill site located along Old Wilmington Road. During the investigation, 11 home wells were sampled. Laboratory results indicated that a home well located on the site and other wells in the vicinity were contaminated with VOCs and manganese at significantly high levels. A well that provided water to the 60 residents of a private mobile home park was found to be contaminated with elevated levels of trichloroethane (TCE). EPA also completed an initial vapor intrusion study at the site in 2010.
1,230 |
People living within a 1 mile radius |
$80,138 |
Average Income |
425 |
Occupied homes |
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