Air Force Plant 4 (AFP4) is located in Tarrant County, six miles northwest of Fort Worth, Texas. The communities of White Settlement, Lake Worth, Westworth, River Oaks , and Samson Park lie within a 3 - mile radius of AFP4. Naval Air Station Fort Worth (formerly Carswell Air Force Base) is located adjacent to AFP4 to the east. Approximately 13,000 people reside in White Settlement, Texas. AFP4 is a government - owned, contractor - operated facility consisting of 760 acres. The facility has manufactured military aircraft since 1942 and is currently owned by the U.S. Air Force (USAF) and operated by Lockheed Martin Corporation. Approximately 15,000 people are employed at AFP4. Six schools are within a 2 - mile radius of AFP4 and the closest school is located 1/2 mile south of the facility. The areas south and west of AFP4 are mainly residential. Lake Worth , bordering AFP4 to the north, provides recreational boating and fishing. This lake also supplies municipal water to the city of Fort Worth, Texas and is a recharge source to the underlying Paluxy Aquifer. The city of White Settlement, Texas, receives municipal water supply from wells completed in the lower Paluxy aquifer. The AFP4 Superfund Site is generally defined by the base wide trichloroethene (TCE) ground water plume. TCE and its degradation compounds have been detected beneath AFP4 in the shallow Terrace Alluvium Aquifer, the Upper Sand ground water of the Paluxy Aquifer, and in the upper Paluxy Aquifer above safe drinking water levels. The lower Paluxy Aquifer is used for drinking water and is not contaminated. The nearest drinking water we ll is located approximately 1/4 of a mile up - gradient from the site. Contaminants have not been detected in this well.
2,370 |
People living within a 1 mile radius |
$75,592 |
Average Income |
882 |
Occupied homes |
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