The Mason City Coal Gasification Plant site is located on approximately 2 1/3 acres in a commercial and residential area of central Mason City, a north-central Iowa community of 29,000. Mason City Coal Gasification Plant operated from 1900 to 1951, and was demolished in 1952. An electrical substation and a small storage building are all that remain on the site. During a 1984 sewer installation, oily sludges were discovered in subsurface soil at the site. Investigations by the current site owner, Alliant Energy Corporation (formerly Interstate Power Company), revealed three underground storage tanks containing oily sludge. The tanks and contaminated soil were exhumed and stored on the southeast corner of the site and covered with a membrane cap. Contaminated soil was also present in the north-central portion of the site. The site is situated on fill material consisting of sand, gravel, and construction rubble and debris, and is in direct contact with bedrock. Although the level of the water table fluctuates seasonally, the water table in the fill material is typically present at depths ranging from 8 to 10 feet below the surface. A portion of the ground water flows through the fill and empties into Willow Creek, which is used for public recreational fishing. Eight Mason City municipal drinking water wells are located within 2 miles of the site. Approximately 98 percent of Mason City is supplied by the municipal drinking water supply. Site Responsibility: This site is being addressed through Federal and potentially responsible parties' actions.
9,813 |
People living within a 1 mile radius |
$57,143 |
Average Income |
4,453 |
Occupied homes |
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